Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Atheist Billboard Campaign

A new billboard campaign in North Carolina is taking a stab at religious values. The boards are sponsored by the North Carolina Secular Association and offer a few words from the Pledge of Allegiance (One Nation Indivisible) but with “under God" missing. The billboards are up along Billy Graham Parkway in Charlotte and other spots in Asheville, Winston-Salem, and Raleigh. Two billboard companies refused to put up the billboards. One said the Pledge ad was too controversial.


Unknown said...

Which Christian value is being attacked?


Calvin Spealman said...

No christian value is being attacked, only the American value of separation of church and state being upheld. The pledge of unconstitutionally altered in 1954 when the red scare brought many too afraid to stand against the move, and we should all assert its correction, whether we are atheist, muslim, buddhist, or christian. Only when our state is secular are all beliefs free.