Monday, November 2, 2009

Book Burning "Sucess"

The Amazing Grace Baptist Church says its book burning was a "great success." Pastor Marc Grizzard says a video of the event will be up soon. Local authorities in Canton, North Carolina. had warned the congregation that it would be against the law. Grizzard and his followers said they planned to burn versions of the Bible other than the King James translation along with books by Billy Graham and Rick Warren.


samthemacman said...

Thank God this man and those who are with him are not part of the Godhead. Zero compassion. Zero mercy. Legalism which has nothing to do with biblical Christianity. A complete distortion of what Christ and the Kingdom are about. A loyalty to a translation which demonizes any other translation and separates other Christians from each other. Jesus said, "Let them be one as You and I are one" and also said, "You will be known by the love that you have one for another." Jesus also said, "By the same measure you judge others, so shall you be judged." I cannot even begin to imagine their day of reckoning. May God have mercy upon their souls. May God show us how to love and obey Him and how to serve others and reach out in love that does not judge or condemn. God is the only one who can and will judge. We are commanded to love without condition. May God help us. May God reveal who He truly is to these people, and to all of us, and, may we not walk in judgement, but in compassion, even where we are exposed to such things as these. There go we, but for the grace and mercy of God.

Mike Licht, said...

"The Smalll Church with the Big Carbon Footprint."
