Thursday, May 8, 2008

Name Change Poll

Our poll of Christian News Report readers showed 75% of you did NOT want a judge to let a Chicago area man change his name to In God We Trust. That's right. Steve Kreuscher wants to switch from Steve to In God for a first name and from Kreuscher to We Trust for a last name. The artist and father of four will find out what the judge decides on June 13th. Kreuscher has told local media he remembers when God Reigns was taken off the city seal a few years ago. And he fears the same thing could happen to In God We Trust - that it could be taken off our courentcy. The name change will cost him about $400 since there are court costs to pay and public notices that are required to be published in newspapers.

But he’s not the only one who's wanted to make a curious name change:
In 1998, Byron Looper of Tennessee became..
Low Tax
In 1997, Robert Rion of Mundelein became..
Santa Claus
In 2001, Scott Nall of Ohio became..
Optimus Prime
In 2003, Karin Robertson of Virginia became..
In 2005, Jose Espinal of New York became..
Jesus Christ
In 2007, Michael Burrows of Washington became..
In 2008, Marvin Richardson of Idaho..

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