Friday, January 30, 2009

Next Chronicles Will Make The Big Screen

The Chronicles of Narnia film series will go on. Disney dropped the series last month, leaving it up to co-producer Walden Media to keep the series alive. Walden is owned by conservative Christian businessman Philip Anschutz and does not have the ability to pull off the large scale production on its own. But 20th Century Fox has decided to step in and take Disney's place.

The next installment in the series will be The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It's expect to hit the big screen in 2010, just before Christmas.

The first film, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe raked in a cool $745 million worldwide. The second film, Prince Caspian, made a respectable $420 million. That was more than any other Disney film made last year, except for WallcE. That’s not counting the fact that the DVD was among the top ten sellers last year which put another $83 million in Disney’s pocket. But for some reason, that wasn’t enough money for the entertainment giant.

The C.S. Lewis Society of California is glad to see Disney go. According to the Washington Times, Disney didn’t do much to work with people in churches and schools who have a special interest in Lewis’ work. Also, Disney made a change from the books written by CS Lewis by having in the second film, the main characters appear to be in their 20’s and flirty instead of showing them in their early teens and innocent.

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