Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bible Study Lawsuit

WANE-TV has details on a lawsuit over a Bible studay at a school in Fort Wayne, Indiana.


justlex said...

I am absolutely outraged at this lawsuit. My two daughters attend school in Ft Wayne and I am extremely PROUD to say that I allow them to attend bible study. They also attend church EVERY Sunday.
The school gets permission from the parents before the student attends bible study. The parents that do not want their children to attend, don't have to give permission.
I personally think GOD should be brought back. Yes, I wrote it....GOD GOD GOD GOD!!!!! I believe in Him...that doesn't mean you have to. Now, we come up with a great compromise so my children can still learn about religion to where it does not harm other children who do not want to and, of course, someone has to throw a tantrum. I will be completely upset if they remove the bible study program. I will fight to keep it.
I think it is about time people stop whining about minor things and start focusing on the major ones like....o I don't know....HOMELESS, ABUSED/NEGLECTED/ABANDONED CHILDREN IN THE UNITED STATES, CRIME, THE TROOPS COMING HOME, THE ECONOMY, ANIMAL ABUSE....just for starters...

justlex said...

I am absolutely outraged at this lawsuit. My two daughters attend school in Ft Wayne and I am extremely PROUD to say that I allow them to attend bible study. They also attend church EVERY Sunday.
The school gets permission from the parents before the student attends bible study. The parents that do not want their children to attend, don't have to give permission.
I personally think GOD should be brought back. Yes, I wrote it....GOD GOD GOD GOD!!!!! I believe in Him...that doesn't mean you have to. Now, we come up with a great compromise so my children can still learn about religion to where it does not harm other children who do not want to and, of course, someone has to throw a tantrum. I will be completely upset if they remove the bible study program. I will fight to keep it.
I think it is about time people stop whining about minor things and start focusing on the major ones like....o I don't know....HOMELESS, ABUSED/NEGLECTED/ABANDONED CHILDREN IN THE UNITED STATES, CRIME, THE TROOPS COMING HOME, THE ECONOMY, ANIMAL ABUSE....just for starters...