He became senior pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship in 1989 when he started the congregation with just 34 people. Abundant Life now has more than 6000 members. His radio program, Enduring Truth, is heard on more than 500 radio stations. The Salem Radio Network has already removed his broadcasts from OnePlace.com. Sheppard serves on the board of the National Religious Broadcasters and has spoken at Promise Keepers rallies. A native of Philadelphia, Sheppard studied at the University of Pennsylvania, the Center for Urban Theological Studies, and the Southern California School of Ministry. He holds a Master’s degree in Ministry and a Doctorate of Divinity. His latest book is called Build A Bridge And Get Over It!
Read more at the church's Web site here.
He never admitted to an affair. He just stated that he failed, God, and his wife. He needed to rebuild his marriage. I would retract this article till you find out the facts....
I was there, he said that because of "moral failures" against God, family and the church he needed to rebuild his life and his marriage. Nothing was said about an affair or any other detail. He admitted his guilt, confessed to the congregation and resigned. He is being disciplined at the moment and I believe that God is working wonders in his life right now.
I was at the Saturday 7 PM service when pastor Jackson read Pastor Sheppard's letter. There were no specifics othar than moral failure and shame. I'm not trying to soften the blow but we need to be careful About starting rumors. Honestly, even though my sensationalist mind is curious to know every last detail, my inner self knows that would be of zero benefit to me and to a world that needs to let go of itself and take hold of a God dying to reach out and forgive and rebuild broken lives. Pastor Paul is flesh and blood and just as prone to falling yet equally called to humble himself and submit to God's discipline, mercy and Grace.
Grace and love to you Pastor Sheppard, wife and family.
Well, he may not have admitted an affair, and there but for the grace of God go we. But really, what other kind of "moral failure" involves God, his family, and his marriage?
Pastor Paul is truly an anointed man of God. Whatever his transgression, I hope to hear him preach the word of God again.
I was also there at first service and heard the leter read. It is heavy on our hearts to hear this but know that GOD is in control. He never gives us more than we was can bear.
I pray for Pastor and his wife and family every day now, something I should have been doing as well as the rest of us everyday.
Pastor was making greats strives with bringing people to Christ for the Kingdom and h se became a great target for satan.
We all become target when we work for the Kingdom.
I just pray that we will see Pastor in the pulpit again because he is a Great Leader for Christ. He will be missed but I know the LORD is not through using him yet.
I am a member of ALCF. I am sorry that this has happened, however, Pastor Paul is cloaked in the same flesh as you and I. We often esteem our leaders as superhuman, but they are mortal.
I possess no anger and I commend this man of God who realized that he must do as the Lord commanded. I believe that the Lord will perform a restoration that will open the eyes of men and women everywhere revealing His miraculous power.
So many pastors/preachers are committing sin and mounting the pulpit each week, without guilt or fear. It is honorable for this man of God to realize the error of his ways and be subject to the Lord. I've not EVER seen this in all my days. Most are OUTED, but to come forth willingly, is unheard of these days.
My prayers are with my church, the Sheppards, and the congregation.
I pray that the Lord seals the lips of those who would judge Pastor Paul. Man should be careful of what manner by which they judge men; by that manner might they also be judged.
ALCF is a dynamic ministry and was established by a phenomenal leader, through the Hands of An Almighty God!!!
... furthermore, Pastor Paul exemplified a humility that is unheard of in today's leadership.
The Lord has already forgiven you, Pastor Paul, and so do I.
... Remember David? ... a man after God's own heart. He was restored and became a great man of God!
I am so sad, and even more sad that people from church were spreading rumors right after this. I will pray for Pastor Paul and his family, like another poster already mentioned, something I and all those who attend ALCF should have been doing prior to this incident. Pastor Paul is flesh and the flesh is weak even though the spirit within us wants to be strong. Lord, bless Pastor Paul, Sister Meredith and their children.
Referring to "what other kind of moral failure involves God" comment: if you are familiar with moral sin in the Bible, you would know that this statement covers much. Pastor Paul IS a Godly man, a servant of the Lord. Understand if God revealed a "trait" or "thoughts" that were not in alignment to God's Word to Pastor Paul, he would resign until full restoration, so, yes, "moral failure" covers much. Pastor Paul is taking responsibility. He is exercising what he preached: ACKNOWLEDGE, CONFRONT, CONFESS AND REPENT. I believe they are in the season of restoration. However, sadly - I'm sure many "men" will do things that fall under "moral failure" but because either God has not revealed to them, or because they do not see, they would not consider some of the things they do, or even the things they think, as "moral failure" and would not recognize; therefore, leading them to think there is just ONE area of moral failure - wrong. We all need to pray as the body, and not speculate. This is between God, Pastor Paul, his wife and family. I respect Pastor Paul for coming forward. He did not have to, but he did. There are Pastors/Priests of religions that stand in the pulpit with their ungodly acts, ungodly thoughts and even knowledge of sin in LEADERSHIP and continue to lead and judge. We love you Pastor Paul, Sister Meredith and family and we pray for you. This is their TESTIMONY. Sister Meredith, you truly are an example of a Godly Woman. God Bless and Keep you all. (church, take responsibility and pray for your pastors, elders and those in leadership)
Revelation 2:20-21
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
fornication: porneuō
1) to prostitute one's body to the lust of another
2) to give one's self to unlawful sexual intercourse
3) metaph. to be given to idolatry, to worship idols a) to permit one's self to be drawn away by another into idolatry
Considerring that the Lord is looking at our relationship with Him first and foremost, there are many within the church that are guilty of what God refers to as fornication and have yet to even notice it as such, let alone, to repent. Pastor Paul(my pastor)exemplified what many in the church ignore, yet still need to do themselves, including all those who worshiped Pastor Paul, rather than the HS who spoke through him.
According to the Book of Hosea, we were all guilty of such before coming to the Lord, as we are that woman, Hosea's wife, the fornicating woman(love of money and things, love of high positions and popularity, and on and on...). God can not forgive what we ourselves will not even admit is an issue in many areas of our lives. We all need to do as Pastor Paul, repent, for we all have some amount of repentance left to do. If we didn't, the world would know who Jesus is right now(John 17:20-23), but they don't.
The seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation reveals seeds that were palnted in the church long ago and have grown into fruiting trees within the church today. It's time to bring down the evil trees and their fruit via true repentance.
I'm praying for Pastor Paul and his family, and for the Body of Christ.
My mom told me the news today with tears in her eyes about Pastor Paul Sheppard. Honestly my first reaction was disappointment and a bit of anger. I listened to his radio broadcast regularly and have been challenged, encouraged, enlightened and strengthened by his ministry. Although my first reactions were perhaps typical of any human being who learned of unfavorable news about a another human being that he admired and respected, my mother displayed a character traits that sadly so many so called Christian don't have, and that is spiritual maturity and compassion. My heart softened almost instantly when she encouraged me to pray for this anointed pastor and teacher, his family and Abundant Life Christian Fellowship. Every person within the body of the church should be praying that neither the pastor, his family or former congregation succumb to the lies of the enemy. We should pray that spiritual discouragement and defeat do not overtake the hearts and minds of the members of ALCF, pastor Sheppard, or his family. Further, we need to pray for each other. While pastor Sheppard is practicing what he has preached which is to confess, repent and accept the restorative power of Jesus Christ our saviour, the church needs to display the same contrite heart and humble spirit. I am saddened by the news of pastor Sheppard but I am more profoundly disturbed by the behavior of those who profess to be Christians. The world is not only watching our leaders, but they are watching us! Jesus came into this world for sinners...that is to say for every human being who has tried to live right but has utterly failed. He came for all of us who through no power of our on can earn salvation vis a vis our behavior or works. He came to be the propitiation for all our sins, past, present and future. While we were yet sinners He came for us out of love. No sin is to great for God to forgive if we confess and repent. May God convict pastor Paul's heart, restore his faith, strengthen his resolve and bless the work of his hands that he does to the Glory of God. May God heal and strengthen the Sheppard family. May God continue to bless and increase the work of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship. Amen.
I was heartbroken when I heard the news. In my spirit I truly believe Pastor Paul is heartsick about what has happened. BUT GOD...God can and will heal the broken hearted and with many prayers for strength and grace for the Sheppard family, God will restore and redeem this "sheep" to the fold and once again, he will preach the Word with confidence and his testimony will be once again to the beautiful grace and mercy and love of our God, who forgives, restores and redeems us all from our sins. I commend Pastor Paul for doing the right thing and stepping down for now. I trust that he will be back making a difference for the kingdom once again. God will orchestrate the timing and the events - I look forward to hearing him again! Pray for his family and for him.
I am new to the Bay Area and found ALCF online. After hearing the word of God from Pastor Paul, I knew ALCF was my new church home after only three worship services.
I joined ALCF a month ago; however, missed service last Sunday. I was shocked and devastated to learn of Pastor Paul's resignation this morning in the fourth service.
God has used Pastor Paul in a unique and remarkable way. I am a native Chicagoan who has attended wonderful churches all my life, yet I have never attended a church that encompasses a congregation that is so inviting and culturally inclusive!
After hearing of Pastor Paul's resignation, my initial thougt was, "Oh no. Now I have to find a new church!" However, after hearing and receiving God's message through Pastor Tan, I realized that Pastor Paul's season is over at ALCF; however, God's plan for ALCF is not. This is my church and I am excited about our future.
As I read the many negative comments, I have to remind everyone that we "All" have fallen short of the glory of God. Therfore, we cannot judge Pastor Paul's moral failures whatever they may be.
We must come together and continually pray for Pastor Paul and his family. We must also "trust" God as we move forward as a Christian family.
I go to Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose and Pastor Dick Bernal mentioned Pastor Paul and to lift him up in prayer. Pastor Dick doesn't know the details so he said, we just have to mind our own business, but keep him and Abundant Life Christian Fellowship in prayer. Jubilee loves Pastor Paul and his Church Family so we will bless him in the name of Jesus as well with his family in the name of Jesus.
God bless you Pastor Paul Shepard.
Jubilee Christian Member
"Pastor Paul is truly an anointed man of God."
Sounds like he was "annointing" a woman who was not his wife!
It never surprises me when the so-called "Men of God" fail to live up to the unreachable standards of their imaginary sky wizard.
Dr. Sheppard was not the point, he was ordained to be a messenger. A deliverer of a message of FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, and SALVATION! Therefore, whatever he and his family is going through is not our business. Those who are focusing on whatever is going on in his personal life are surely loosing their way. True followers of Christs message should unite and pray for a brother Christian who is obviously in need of our love and support, not our judgment.
This is why we have to keep our focus on the real leader of the Church and that is Jesus Christ; He was the ONLY one that was truly perfect but yet he became imperfect for you and I. I hope that if we consider ourselves children of God after having put our trust in his son for salvation, we can take advantage of this situation that God has allowed and prove to the unbelieving world that what the devil intends for evil, God CAN turn it around for good. How can we do that? By reminding everybody that being Christian is about having a PERSONAL relationship with God and testifying to the fact that only Jesus Christ is perfect and that we do not follow church leaders but Christ, bc they are as imperfect as you and I. Let’s take advantage of the opportunity and talk about the “hope that lies in us”.
I don't know Pastor Paul Sheppard personally but I listen to his radio broadcast everyday driving home from work. I pray that God will continue to mold and shape pastor for His glory. We all must go through various test and trails in this journey called life. He has reached so many people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I believe that this situation is just God's way of keeping His children humble and before His face. I believe this sitaution will cause Pastor Paul to seek God's face with a new passion that maybe he didn't have leading to these current events. There are many people in the Word of God that has fallen and had to get back up again.
The lessons to be learned is that we as Christians must realize that we ALL are in need of God's Amazing Grace. We idolize our Christian leaders placing them in the role of SUPER STARS forgeting that they need just as much grace as we all do and sometimes maybe even more. As a pastor myself there are temptations all around us and without keeping ourselves around those that will hold us accountable we can fall very easy. There is only One Super Star and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
For the members of Pastor Pauls church please embrace that he has fallen short. Don't sugar coat his wrong doing. Then ask God for the strength for you to truly forgive him. Then pray for his strength in the Lord, that God will restore him so that he could be wiser, stronger and better. I don't know Pastor Sheppard personally but I have grown to love him as a dear brother in the Gospel. Whatever his transgression is...it's just SIN that is already covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. He is a child of the Most High God and he can come boldly to the throne of grace. God has already forgiven him. Thank God that we have a High Priest that is interceding on our behalf.
I was greatly sorrowed when I heard the news about Pastor Paul Sheppard. His ministry has been a tremendous blessing to our family. My mind goes to the scripture in Gal.6:1 "Brethren suppose someone is caught doing something wrong. You who have the Spirit should set him right, but in a spirit of humility, keeping an eye on yourselves so that you won't be tempted too." We are all human and therefore, have to ability to fall and fail. It is our job as believers to pray for him and his family. I praise God for someone like him who would own up to their wrong and ask forgiveness. For not hiding it. What an example for us to follow. I will never forget the messages that we heard that have literally changed our lives and circumstances. During one of the most difficult times in our lives God gave him the Word of God for us. We will continue to pray for him and his family.
My husband and I live in Arkansas and have been blessed by the many sermons rendered by Pastor, Paul Sheppard via radio.
We're concerned that he isn't at this time on the aire; however, remember that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
I pray that Gods' WILL regarding Pastor Pauls' spiritual life, his family, and yours is being done.
I must admit that I was a little heartbroken about the news of his resignation. I too like so many others pray for he and his family. I am in agreement with one of the posts that says "What kind of moral failure involves God, Church and his wife." I say this to say that I pray not only for him but the broken "person" he was involved with. Many times we dismiss the actions of men because it is assumed that they well engage in this activity; however we speak disrespectfully about the "other" person involved. That needs to stop. The same compassion extended to the "man" should be equally extended to the "other" person.I do not condem Pastor Shepard or the "other" person as we are all persons made of flesh and blood and are prone to make mistakes and sin against God. I pray for restoration among his family, the church,the "other person" and all of the lives that Pastor Shepard touched. God bless.
God promises us in Hebrews 4:12-13 that he will reveal everying in our lives (the good, bad and ugly). I am grateful that the Pastor has confessed his sins and is moving forward in his repentance. However, the deeper issue is why did this happen in the first place? Did he not have godly men in his life that he could confess these temptations to? What was going on in his heart as he read the word of God? These are all lessons we can learn from Pastor Paul Sheppard. None of us are immuned to sin. However, Paul promises us when we are tempted he will give us a way out. 1 corinthians 10:13
There is no one perfect on this earth except for our Lord Jesus Christ and that is why he died for our sins. That we may confess and repent of our sins to him so that we may be forgiven and have salvation with our God in heaven. We are all siners and nobody has the right to judge or condemn Paul Sheppard. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe Jesus said. " He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone". HUMMMMM? I do believe he is reffering to us sinners who have the nerve to judge somebody else's sin. When really....... we should be confessing our own sins. May God continue Blessing the Sheppards.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart..Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.
May God's grace and mercy be with you and your family. I am a witness that he forgives and heals our moral failures. He restores souls...it's in his word,,,
My heart and love and prayers go out to Pastor Paul and his wife. To Abundant Life I say we must remember that there but for the grace of God go I.
Our church recently went through something like this when a false allegation was leveled against our Pastor. Sadly, those that proclaim to know the grace of God neglected to extend it to our Pastor. My husband and I tried to carry on the torch but so many people left...without finding out the facts, without investigation, without talking to the Pastor and his family, without saying a word...they simply made a judgement, condemned the Pastor and all of us that continued with him. When we were finally down to 20 members we had no choice but to close the doors of the church. My heart is still breaking over this. My heart now breaks for Pastor Paul, his wife, his children and his members. Please, remember the story of the wicked servant. After he was forgiven of a debt he could not possibly repay, he left the presence of the king and offered everything but grace to someone he should have been forgiving. We all have things we'd rather not have others find out about. This man, Pastor Paul, showed the strength of his character by stepping up to the plate and saying, "I need to let God cleanse me and renew a right spirit within me." Give him grace. Please!!!
I haven't listened to Paul Sheppard in a long time, but I used to love tuning in at 2:30 to hear his sermons. I recently re-dedicated my life to Christ and the Lord has definitely been working to renew my heart. I pray for the Sheppards, ALCF, and all the listeners saddened by this unfortunate news.
Now, this might not be the nicest thing to say, however: if you claim Christ' death and resurrection and get on this blog site and condemn or ridicule a MAN who obviously made a mistake, just like you did yesterday and are going to do today, you should fall to your knees and ask God to search your heart, and ask him to give you the strength and wisdom not to fall into the same trap the Pastor got snared in.
I forgive you Pastor Paul, and I love you. God loves you, and I'm sure your congregation does also. The Lord is far from done with you and you know it. I commend your forthrightness and will be praying for your marriage and family.
Pastor Sheppard and Mrs. Sheppard, I pray in the name of Jesus, that God continues to strengthen you and your wife durning this time of need, I pray in the name of Jesus that he restores all that the devil tried to take from you, I pray in the name of Jesus that you all will continue to keep God first in you alls life, I pray in the name of Jesus that God will continue to cover your relationship and marraige. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will forgive one another, God your word says that the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy but I come to give life, so be it, i declare life in the name of Jesus to all that the devil tried to take, I decree restoration to your life, in the name of Jesus, Father I pray for my brother and sister that they continue to seek you and submit themselves to you and your will, your word also says that you know the plans for our life and that they are good and not evil and that you have an expected end, God we trust you to do all that you promised us you would do. God I thank you for your forgiveness, love, grace and mercy that you have towards us, God i thank you for being our God and our Father, I pray that my brother and sister will love and forgive. God I thank you and love your for hearing my prayer. We need you God like never before and i know that this is more about good versus evil, but we know that sin don't win and that you God have the victory. No matter what if we contine to acknowledge you in all are ways you will continue to cover us. Thank you God, in Jesus name i pray Amen!!!!
I am so shocked and saddened. I have to say...I listen by podcast and use to rearrange my day picking up kids around his KKLA broadcast. My husband is in the ministry so I can understand the pressures that ministers are under. People make mistakes. I'm glad I'm not his wife since I have a pretty hardened heart...I hope that forgiveness is truly given and hope to download more sermons in the future. I don't know if I can listen to his sermons right now...but I teach Sunday School and I come into some Sundays dripping in sin and I still get up and can be used by God...so why can't he. I haven't done anything with consequences maybe as big...but any sin...gossip, lethargy, gluttony, laziness, lack of compassion...are still sins and Pastor Paul and I are the same in God's eyes...saved sinners by Jesus' grace. I hope to get past my initial judgement and listen to his older sermons again and I pray he allows God to use him in the future. Blessings. But let me tell you...if it was my hubby...I'd see it as "bible to the book" way out of being in the ministry. Just being real.
My heart is still sadden about the news. As a member of First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Maryland, I supported Pastor's Paul's ministry from afar. I pray that the Lord will restore Pastor Paul's family as well as his ministry. He is truly missed.
Dear Pastor Paul and family,
We, here in Philadelphia, PA are praying for you. We love you and your family. You have blessed our home tremendously with your broadcast messages. We listened to you every single night. It was our way of having devotions together before retiring to bed for the night. We have written in the Partners Prayer Book (Enduring Truth) since we received it several summers ago.
May God Bless you and your family.
Calvin M. & Darcel D. Davenger
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Even in this situation you are still a shining example of how it is to be handled.....
I know we will hear you again....
We all fall down (short)somewhere in our Christian walk with God.. God gives example of this throughout the Bible. Moses ,David, John. God knew when he saved us that we weren't perfect and we'd make mistakes. I am sadden by the event and miss Pastor Paul Sheppard sermons. But it not over for him or any other Christian that makes a mistake.
Moral failures by those in very public ministries, like in the case of King David, bring much reproach upon the Lord. The enemies of the Lord now have fresh evidence to mock and defame the Truth. This so-called moral failure is HUGE, Calamitous.
You don't call the sin of PORNEIA a simple moral failure. There is no greater failure in ministry than porneia. Let us not forget this, and may it stir us to pray for our Pastors like we have never done before. If we forsake, or allow life to crowd out personal alone time with God daily, and the Word of God is not inundating our hearts, we will fall just like our brother fell. Remember this, each follower of Jesus Christ finds himself alone at work and many places. He is the only witness, the only light in his world. People are watching us hoping we will fail and trying to make that happen, all the time secretly hoping we won't. We must be true to our Lord in His strength because it is certain it is not in us. We cannot tell the world that Jesus is a myth by our actions. Paul Shepard is more public than us, but our failure to live the life will impact many souls for eternity. We are weak and need the Lord daily. So let's get over how weak we are, but never forget it, and focus on how strong our Lord is. Let us submit to his Headship in truth. Let us be meek to His dealings in our life. Let us pray deliver us from evil and lead us not into temptation. Let us by His grace submit our lives to Jesus our Lord totally. TOTALLY.
There is a tendency to gloss over adultery in leaders of the church. However the Word of God does not gloss over adultery. It is a very serious sin. Very. Yes, God will forgive, but we must realize the gravity of such a sin and what it has done to bring reproach on the Lord Jesus. This is no mere so-called moral failure. This is gross sin of the reddest hue. Such a man in Spurgeon's day would never be allowed back into the pulpit. He would be restored to fellowship, but never allowed back into the pulpit. There is a sound reason for this despite worldly values that infiltrate the church that make grace sloppy today. This man needs to walk with God for two years fighting in God's strength against the bondage of adultery. Once you slip over this barrier, it is forever easy to do so again. Is he truly sorry with a godly sorrow or is his sorrow the sorrow of one caught? Is this the first occasion of adultery? He needs to come completely clean to trusted and mature brethren who will in love keep him under their oversight. He needs help and just keeping it between his wife and him is not it. What I don't like hearing is how he glosses this sin by calling it "moral failure" and then by saying it is between only his wife and him. These are the words of one covering up, not the words of one really repenting. If he does not submit to godly elders and really walk in repentance, here is what will happen to this man: He will fall into this sin again. Sin takes you further than you want to go; keeps you longer than you want to stay, and when you try to escape, you can't. This is bad, bad, bad. May God put godly sorrow into this man.
The Lord said, Watch and pray, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Paul said, In me, that is in my flesh dwells no good thing. Jeremiah said, The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. The Lord says in Deut 17 that a leader must meditate in God's word day and night, to have spiritual success.
The battle is ferocious and our enemy is determined, relentless and cheats. Keep in mind that when the devil tempted Christ, it was for the entire 40 days. When the temptations were over, then the devil added the temptations that are recorded in our Bibles. The Bible is silent about what transpired the entire forty days. Our dear Lord Jesus Christ really went through it. He understands our weaknesses, and He has been tempted in every point, but without sin. The flesh can never be reformed. It is destined for death. Only by walking in the Spirit can we overcome the lusts of the flesh. This requires submission to the Lord. Once you submit to the Lord, then He shows you areas that need to go. He puts you in the valley of darkness, what some call the long night of the soul to perfect faith. Easy to give up at this point. You seek God and all you get is darkness. But no, you get a deeper walk with God as He does something deep in your spirit. The devil will try to pull you away. He will lie to you and bring all kinds of temptations to you. Stay in the Word of God day and night. Walk in utter dependence on God. Walk in faith. The battle will be ferocious but the Lord knows we are but dust and lifts up our heads in the battle. Paul Sheppard's flesh has been trained in adultery and his flesh will clamor for fulfillment. If he truly repents, then he will have a battle against his flesh for the rest of his life. He must stay dependent on God and separated unto His Word. God's forgiveness is unreasonable. This is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. When we blow it big time, and feel there is no forgiveness, God agrees with us that to forgive us is unreasonable, but He forgives us with unreasonable forgiveness. So infinite and precious is the blood of the Lamb. May the Lord have mercy on Paul Sheppard and work in him deep repentance, and deliver his soul from the devil's snare. Amen. This did not happen overnight. For the last year something changed in Paul Sheppard's preaching. He used to be someone we never missed on the radio. Yet about a year ago, I stopped listening. The power was gone. All that was left was cutesy rhetoric. My wife told me yesterday that she had stopped listening to Paul Shepard and instead listens to Chip Ingram. The crowd told Paul Sheppard that he was an anointed preacher. Nonsense. He is a mere man whom God used. The anointing is the Lord. Only as we become a vessel for God's use, holy and prepared, will the oil flow in our ministry. We forget where the power comes from. We get caught up in our ministry. We forget to walk humbly with our God. And before you know it... Adultery is epidemic in the church of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord we are wicked, truly wicked. We desperately need you to purify your Church, us. Grant us the fear of the Lord and deep repentance. May your fear and terror and love be in us oh great Father. Oh Lord, revive us again.
There is no fear of God in the churches. Moses quaked and shook with fright. Not us. Paul knew the terror of the Lord. Not us. Since when have we heard any sermon concerning Revelation 2&3? We are the Laodiceans, self willed, not yielded to God, blind, filthy. Sloppy grace without holiness, without fear and respect of God. Taking Him for granted. Taking His unspeakable gift for granted. We need to repent.We are blind and don't know it; we are filthy and are unaware. He that has ears, hear what the Spirit is saying to us.
Who are we to judge? Pastor Paul I pray for you and your family and also pray to hear you preach the word of God again. You are an inspiration to me and my husband and I know God has forgiven you. Mortal man has the problem with forgetting. God bless you pastor. As for rumors, I'm sick of them. Pastor Paul, don't let satan fool you or keep you from preaching the word. You were given a gift that only God has the power to bless or remove. I do not believe God will remove what he blessed you with. God bless you.
pastor paul i love you and i know you are a man of god and it doesnt matter what you done god loves you i was in tears when i heard the news and my heart went out to you immediately we all fall short of the glory and only god can judge. he is the only one who can see the hearts of men and he knows that u love him....we will be judged by our hearts not by what we have done...thank you jesus...god will raise you up from the ashes and i know this cause he did it to a sinner like me...I LOVE YOU PASTOR PAUL AND MY PRAYERS ARE FOR YOU AND THE BEAUTIFUL FAMILY GOD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH............
I was an advid listener of Paul Sheppards national radio ministry when I attended a listener appreciation program held in Cleveland, Ohio.
It was a disaster! It was more of a cusotmer solicitation/fund raiser program rather than an appreciation program.
What transpired was a bunch of not so funny jokes, some of which we've heard before, one inspirational testimony of a listener who supported his radio ministry and I believe he gave a text.
Unfortunately, with all the solicitation, it overshadowed the message; the Word of God.He gave away a couple of things and the rest was un-inspiring to say the least.
I was literally about to write a sizable check (valid check)in spite of what I called an off nite for Pastor Sheppard and the Holy Spirit warned me not to; I wondered why. I was obedient to the Holy Spirit and I did not submit the check in the offering. Wow!,I can understand why.
You can say what you will, sin is sin and God is no respecter of person. As a matter of a fact, the bible says (paraphrasing) that the man of God will be whipped with more stripes.
Obedience is better than sacrafice, follow the unction of the Holy Spirit and you will never ever go wrong.
Thank God for Jesus, we are fortunate because God is married to the backslider and He is a forgiver of our sins, if only we ask!He will cast our sins in the sea of forgetfulness and will remember them no more. God is a Great God!
I have been inspired by Pastor Paul's teachings on the radio and listened to him in Irving, Texas. He is a phenomenal ambassador of Christ who won many souls and imparted wisdom and great teachings. We are all sinners and I am just glad he came forth with humility, confessing his failure and I know God is just to forgive him and us all of our sins. Let all Christians stand in the gap for Pastor Paul, sister Meredith and their family through this difficult time. God ALWAYS has the last say! To the Sheppards - I love you all and will keep praying for you!
To liken Paul Sheppard's fall to the fall of King David is error. Paul Sheppard was not a political leader. He was not President of the United States. He was a Spiritual Leader. King David was not a spiritual leader; he was the king of Israel. There is a clear difference. A spiritual leader is held to a much higher standard. The Lord said that if the Levites had stayed true to the LORD, then Israel would not have strayed. Paul Sheppard's adultery makes it easier for those looking on to justify adultery for themselves. Paul Sheppard necessarily has forfeited his position as Spiritual Leader. As a child of God he will be forgiven, but he has been disqualified from leadership in God's service. Paul said he beat his body lest he should be cast away. Do you think the apostle Paul had no such temptation as Paul Sheppard had? What would have happened to the gospel if Paul the Apostle had fallen? And don't you think that the devil pulled out all the stops in order to derail the Apostle Paul? We are the light for this generation. We are found wanting. We need to seek the Lord for a new heart and a right spirit. We need hearts that even in the dark night of sore trial are loyal to our Lord. Lord deliver us from evil.
pshdsa, I hear what you are saying.. Spiritual leaders 'are' held to a higher standard because they know the standards better than the average joe. And the gifted ones, like Pastor Paul, can lead and inspire many christians and listeners to do great works of service and kindness. However, I think it's important to point out that it is the Holy Spirit that works through Pastor Paul to lead people in spirit and in truth. Pastor Paul, like every other man, can only lead through the physical realm in a limited yet powerful way. Only the Spirit can truly inspire. I do not think Pastor Paul's 'moral failure' will stop the Spirit from working through Pastor Paul or the congregation of ALCF. The Spirit is too powerful to stop and will ultimately show God's grace in Pastor Paul's dire circumstance and humble repentence. At this point, it is 'us' that need to be on alert to not judge Pastor Paul for what he has done, and what he can and cannot do. "For all have sinned" so let's not cast stones, even legalistic ones. PS. Apostle Paul was also a man. And he claims to be the least of the apostles because he murdered christians. Was he sinless after being converted? Does he mention that he was sinless? I think not. He only mentions how hard he trains and runs his race.
Dear Slander,
However you maybe angry it's probably from a hurt that is causing you pain. However hear say is not relevant preaching. I cannot see that you would have an email to support your accusation about Pastor's marriage covenant.In my opinion if you get right with the father in heaven your vision will become clearer, and less clouded.
Sincerely with God's Blessings,
Casting pearls
I heard Pastor Paul's message today via radio on the way home from church. It was a blessing. The last time I heard him on the radio was in 09 before his resignation from abundant life ministries. About that time I was experiencing a major crisis in my life and I believe the Holy Spirit lead me to his radio broadcast. At that time in 08/09 the Holy Spirit used Pastor Paul's teachings to lead me through those dark times and to overcome. Now I see all the posts about Pastor Paul on the net. I to was saddened and shocked when I heard of his confession and resignation back then. Let us all remember the only perfect human was Jesus Christ!! Why must we condemn? Especially one in ministry! When they sin we should also remember how infallible we all are. (The proverbial point a figure at you and three are pointing back to ME !)The Holy Spirit lead me to the apple of God's eye David and how he fell from GRACE. We all know the story. When confronted, David repented and was forgiven. There still were consequences he had to face for his actions, but he was forgiven. How do I know he was? He (David) will rule and reign with Jesus in the Millennial Reign as per the scriptures. God is not finished with any of us and as Jesus used David to advance His Kingdom He will most assuredly Use the modern day (David) aka Pastor Paul. Look at Peter. On his confession Jesus built his Church and saved 3000+ on the day of Pentecost. Look how he fell denying Jesus 3 times and was reinstated by Jesus personally. Let us all remember we all fall short of the glory of God. What have you done for the KINGDOM lately? Thanks for reading. God Bless Paster Paul !!!
Coming from a lifetime of emotional, mental & physical abuse by a member of the Christian community, I applaud Pastor Paul for practicing what he preaches. Of course the daily message is to abstain & flee from evil and temptation, the Bible also says we will sin. The body of Christ is the place that we are to go for confession & forgiveness. If we do not, then we are carnal minded as is the world. We are a peculiar people who forgives the unthinkable & restore to former positions after healing has occurred.
Read Galatians 6:1
"Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted".
The world hold grudges, bitterness & animosity. Let it not be so with us for this is how the world will know that we are HIS.
THANK YOU, Pastor PAUL for your transparency and to you Sister Shepherd for being that woman of virtue, teaching the younger women how to honor GOD and being that woman that is so highly esteemed of the Lord...a woman with a gentle and quiet spirit.
May our Father in heaven continue to keep and bless you, your union and the works of your hands, for His glory, the up-building of His kingdom and for the confounding of the wicked. To GOD be the glory, AMEN
It never surprises me when people who deny GOD are the type of people who don't search for the truth. They are comfortable with whatever suits their purpose. Clearly you have NO proof that Pastor Paul was unfaithful in his marriage covenant,but yet you speak as if you do.
Without the Truth, your comment holds no weight.
What a wonderful message I just listened to,by Pastor Paul Sheppard. I was truly blessed and it is more than obvious that The LORD has truly blessed and restored him.I will continue to pray for him, and all of our true Christian leaders, as well as the rest of the body of Christ. Let us always pray for, encourage and uplift one another. All to the Glory of GOD!
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