Saturday, February 28, 2009

Study of Religion and Medicine

Center for Spirituality and The Mind - University of Pennsylvania
Brain Scans: A workshop for high-tech imagery: this is your brain on prayer--or meditation or speaking in tongues. Researchers also study changes in blood pressure, hormones and immune-system function during spiritual practices.

Center for Spirituality & Healing - University of Minnesota
Shaman Outreach: Fifty faculty members from a dozen academic areas conduct research into alternative medicine and healing traditions, including those of shamans serving the local community of Hmong immigrants from Southeast Asia.

Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health - Duke University
Community of Scholars: Academic powerhouse that promotes research to improve our understanding of "spirituality, health and human flourishing." Aims to push the interdisciplinary field into a "new era of significance, visibility and impact."

National Center for Complementary And Alternative Medicine - National Institutes of Health
Federal Faith: Alternative medicine established this beachhead with the Federal Government in 1991. NCCAM funds research and serves as a clearinghouse for consumer information on acupuncture, herbs, hypnosis and more.

Templeton Foundation - West Conshohocken, Pa.
Private Philanthropy: Family foundation established by the late philanthropist Sir John Templeton. Its mission is to address big questions and foster dialogue between science and religion through grants, prizes and book publishing.

Source: TIME Magazine

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